Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tight Fit...

...and I' not referring to the British pop group of the 80's who had a smash hit with their cover version of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" back in 1982 (click here to watch the video).   

Er back to reality - we encountered are first small challenge of the build so far.  The private drive to our new house is er, well ... a tight fit!  To be precise it's less than twelve inches wider than the muck-away truck that arrived on Thursday morning so after a remarkable attempt by the driver to avoid taking out over thirty foot of my neighbours wall we have decided not to take the risk of carting away another truck load.  Ever-resourceful and with some careful negotiation Andy has managed to convince the horse stables opposite my current house to allow us to use their field as a dumping ground so that the muck-away truck can be loaded from there instead.  

It does mean we now need a bigger dumper truck to cart the muck around the corner and pile it in the field so the job of removing the muck has now been delayed whilst the new dumper arrives and the stable owner arrives with the keys to the gate.  The knock on is that we've effectively excavated ourselves into a corner (see photo) until Monday morning :(

With the builder due to arrive on site first thing Monday morning - a frantic few phone calls later and it's all sorted and rescheduled - everyone knows what's happening and where they need to be, when!  I'm sure this is nothing compared to some of the challenges we will have to face so it's not worth getting upset about.

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