Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Street Scene

Not that I was out walking the dog the other day but I wanted to see what the house looked like from the different vantage points around my neighbourhood (or street scene as the planning officers at the local council refer to it).

I'd like to think we're conscientious developers - after all this house is going to be around long after I'm "deed" and I wanted to leave behind a legacy to be proud of.  All too often I see houses squeezed into patio pots with little regard for the impact on the environment and local amenities.

Anyway strolling around the looking decidedly "dodgy" taking photos from different angles I didn't get arrested thankfully but what I did get was a pleasant surprise to see the structure emerging from the trees.

I personally think that the surrounding forna  perfectly masks the bulk and mass of the building and provides interest and curiosity for passers-by.

Maybe it will look somewhat different (harsher perhaps) in the winter months once the trees have shed their leaves but for now it will do for me!

Anyway I don't have time to admire the handy work of Derek and Paul for long - yet more decision to be made - and the pressing one right now is the primary heating source - after a major panic over whether we had left sufficient room for underfloor heating - we accounted for 80mm of insulation + 55mm of screed + 15mm for oak flooring - we finally received confirmation that the underfloor heating pipework would fit snugly within the 55mm of concrete floor screed.  Had our calculations (or the suppliers specification) been any different our finished floor levels would have resulted in small steps (height differences) between each doorway threshold - an ugly and costly mistake - fortunately avoided.

Still I could have done without the stress - thanks Derek - and thanks Paul for remaining calm whilst everyone else lost it for a while.  I'll post more information on underfloor heating - it's a heat sensation - it's the future!

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