Sunday, July 4, 2010

Youth Training Scheme

Apologies to those who are following this blog for not publishing any blogs for the best part of a month.  Unfortunately things have gone a bit craz-eey at work lately and bloggin has been the last thing on my mind.

Anyway you will see over the next few posts that things are really starting to motor very quickly now and the number of minor (and sometimes major) decisions we're having to make is unbelievable and quiet scarey!

For those of you with a good memory you will remember me bleating on about how important it is to fill all of the gaps between the blocks with mortar because this improves the overall air tightness - well so determined am I to obtain a better than average score on the test that I have now hired in some help in the form of Jessica my youngest daughter.  In the photo we are filling in the gaps in the living room - Jess is mixing the cement and I'm blathering it into "hungry joints" - these are joints where the builders haven't quiet got enough mortar in the vertical (if there were gaps in the horizontals I'd be worried).  I'm paying good rates for brickying so it's more cost effective I do this fiddly job - besides it's one of the jobs you can't really get wrong or do any damage with!

The shape of the ground floor can be seen here as the internal wall structure really starts to bulk out the house - the old orchard suddenly doesn't feel anywhere near as big as it used to.

The ground floor window you can just about make out is the study - just a few more courses of block and that will complete the ground floor ready for the outer skin of stone to be brought up to the same height and then the first floor joists can be installed.

The next big expense is scaffolding...

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