Sunday, July 4, 2010

Three Wise Men

Well I couldn't afford the third wise man so I had to make do with Dexter (Dereks new nickname from my kids) and Mick-the-Mick (he's browner than a chocolate brownies).  Derek is the one in blue and Mick is modelling a little dusty salmon pink number.

I'm not sure what they are doing (HSE - the kick-board has been removed temporarily whilst the stone was lifted into position before being replaced shortly after this photo) - probably putting the world to rights or they could have been "checking levels" again - that's all they seem to do all day - still it's better than smoking.

We are now on week SIX of the project and the costs are starting to fly in thick and fast now - all we seem to be doing is taking deliveries and paying through the nose - scary stuff really.

Anyway I won't bore you to death - time to just kick back and look at the pictures.  Oh and by the way for all those of you who have been emailing asking why I haven't posted on FB recently well aside from being busy at work, the news feed from this blog to FB has stopped working - dunno why I didn't code it - but what I suggest you do is bookmark this blog and keep dropping in every week. TTFN.

Oh and just before you go the next photo really does start to show how the finished house will look from the front drive (which can be seen on the right in the next picture).

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